Wednesday 26 October 2016

soups and consommes

Soup is a liquid fluid consisting of meat, vegetables , sea food cereals  or poultry .They play an important role in menu and are regarded as appetizers as they stimulate the appetite for the heavier foods to follow .They are served as the first course if hors de oeuver are not being served ,if hors de oeuvre is served soup is served as the second course

1. First class, clean , strong and flavourful stock should be used ,as it would help in producing good quality soup.
2.If there is a heavy entree ,the soup should be thin or light .
3.If a heavy soup is served ,the portion should be small
4. The soup should not in any ways be filling or consist of food particles that require much chewing
5. Garnish should be small and dainty , so that they can be picked up easily by a soup-spoon
6.Soup  should be always moderately seasoned
7.Serve hot soups piping hot , and cold soups very cold
8. A little sugar should be added to tone the acidity of the soup, before mixing cream as it prevents curdling
9.Consomme should be amber in colour .(Onions halved and browned on hot plate are added to the soup for colour )
10. Accompaniments of the soups should be of a crisp character ,e.g, Melba toast ,various crackers , bread –sticks ,cheese croutons ,bread rolls ,etc .
11. Entree portions of one litre of soup yields five portions.

Croutons                   Dices  or other shapes made from bread ,toast ,pastry.
Profitroles                Prepared from choux paste .They are miniature cream puffs which may                                                    be filled or used plain
Cereals                      Rice or barley
Cheese                       cheese balls or grated Parmesan served with croutons on one side
Cream                        unsweetened whipped cream or sour cream
Meats                        Usually small dices or juliennes
Poultry                       Same as meat
Seafood                    Diced or flaked .Large enough pieces distinguishable
Pastas                        Noodles ,spaghetti ,other pasta products such as star letters ,cornets etc
Vegetables               Cut in various sizes , shapes –julliennes ,round slices ,dices of sprig ,printaniere

Classification of soup: 

There is no set standard for the classification of soups ,as there are virtually thousands of soup preparations .In order to learn about them easily ,soups may be classified in the following manner .

 THIN SOUPS : Most of the thin soups are clear , flavoured nutritious liquids and are prepared without the use of starch .The soup is a thin liquid with garnish or with small ,daintily cut food items floating in it .

THICK SOUPS: They are passed thick soups and in this category are purees , cream ,veloutes ,bisques and chowders.

PUREES :Starchy vegetables such as leguminous plants ,potatoes or cereals when pureed  in soups , usually act as self –thickeners and need no further thickening ingredients .Many vegetables like carrots ,pumpkins ,turnips peas, celery,leafy greens need an additional thickening agent as their own purees do not cohere and so the above thickening agent as their added. The cooked soup is strained through the sieve and thr consistency of the soup thick.water or stock in which the pureed product was cooked is usually used as the liquid in the soup .The soup is served with golden brown croutons(fried small dices of bread).Common puree soups are –Puree parmentiere ,pea soup ,lentils puree ,tomato soup.

CREAM SOUPS : They are composed of a puree of vegetables ,fish ,poultry ,or meat ,thickened with béchamel sauce or given a cream finish .Milk is used to dilute and achieve correct consistency .Various  cream soups are:Cream of Germaine(peas),cream of mushrooms soup,cream of chicken soup,cream of lentil soup.

VELOUTES: Veloute sauces have already been discussed .Veloutes as soups are similar to other veloutes ,but differ from purees ,as they require a thickening element and a roux .Veloute is made by preparing roux and adding stock and the pureed vegetable or meat or hot milk is blended in,to produce a smooth soup .Generally proportions for a veloute soup are half basic veloute ,1/4 puree (main ingredients characterising the soup ),1/4 stock or white consommé used to dilute the mixture of puree and veloute to the correct consistency .Finishing of the veloutes is done by a liaison ,i.e. cream and egg yolks as it enhances the taste and texture .Examples  of veloutes are : chicken veloute ,celery veloute ,almond veloute ,etc.

BISQUES : These are shellfish puree soups ,thickened with rice or cream .It is a slightly thick rice cream type of soup with small particles of cooked shellfish floating in it ,to add flavour and colour .A small amount of wine is added to enhance the flavour .Examples of bisques are : Crayfish bisque , Lobster bisque .

CHOWDERS : Originated from America .They are thick heavy soups, owing their consistency to potatoes .Chowders consist of potatoes ,onions,pieces od bacon ,various seasoning and sea food .They can be milk or tomato –based .Crackers are generally added just before serving .Examples are: Clam chowder , seafood chowder , oyster chowder ,etc.

Chilled soups include those that are jellied by the natural gelatin in the meat stock or by the addition of gelatin powder or those that are thickened with starch or puree .Cold consommé Madrrilene is popular . Vichyssoise is a rich cream of potato soup , which is served cold.


There are many varieties –cold or hot ,thin or thick soups .They have been placed in a special category ,as they have different origins .There are soups that originated in a certain locality and are associated with that particular place.


NAME OF THE SOUP                                                              ORIGIN
Green turtle soup
French onion soup
Petite marmite
Scotch broth and Cock-a-leekie
New Orleans
Bortsch  Polonais
Olla – podrida and Gazpacho
Manhattan clam cowder
Hotch pot Flamanda

CONSOMME :Comes from the word ‘ consummate’ ,which means to bring to completion or perfect . It is a strongly b-flavoured ,clarifies soup.Its flavour is heightened by the adding of meat,vegetables ,poultry,and seasonings.The foundation liquid used is rich ,of cold beef ,mutton or chicken stock ,to which raw lean minced meat ,finely diced or chopped carrots,turnips onions ,celery seasonings and egg white added and mixed well .This mixture is placed on heat and allowed to come to boil and them simmered .The protein in the egg  and meat coagulates and binds in most of the clouding materials .This coagulated mass ,rises slowly to the top and forms a raft.When the consomme is clear and cooked ,the soip is strained ,through several thicknesses of cloth .Consommes are varied and the soup gets its name from the additional ingredients that are added to the consomme .Sometimes it is named after historical figures ,people or events in the form of accompanying garnish .
Consumers should be sparkling ,clear and well flavoured and they are varied .They can be served hot and cold .


Minced meat
225 gm
70 gm
50 gm
30 gm
1 ½ litres
Egg Whites
40 gm
¼ tspn
Bay Leaf

Method : Mix minced meat and chopped onions , carrots , turnips , celery and mix well with egg whites .Add cold stock ,thymes ,bay leaf and peppercorns .Place on fire ,go on stirring so that the ingredients do not stick to the bottom of the pan and articles are suspended. When the mixture starts boiling ,lower the temperature and let it simmer until the coagulated mass come to the top .Simmer for one and a half hours.When consommé is clear and tasty  ,strain through a double muslin cloth.Add seasoning .

Julennes of celery ,onions and leeks
Small diced vegetables
Flowerettes of cauliflower
Juliennes of blanched spinach
Juliennes of cut vegetables
Tomato dices and green peas
Uniform size cut fresh vegetables
Mixed fresh spring vegetables ,cut in small dices
St. Germain
Fresh green peas
Juliennes of pancakes
Rice and barley
Diamonds of cheese biscuits
Egg drops
Pour into the boiling consommé ,beaten egg
Dices of savoury egg custard
Pearls of tapioca
Fine noodles

Methods of cooking

ways of heat transfer- heat can be transferred by three ways
Conduction,Convection ,Radiation. Two or three of these methods may be combined
For example: in baking a cake convected heat cooks the mixture when the cake comes in contact with the cooking utensils . heat is also transferred by the conduction browning of the cake is by radiation.

Conduction:- it is the passage of heat through a solid or one solid to another provided they are in contact.

Convection:- it involves the transfer of heat in liquid and gases. In heating liquid or gases convection currents are produce which distributes the heat.

Radiation:- it is passage of heat in straight rays from a hot object. Any object in the part of the rays becomes hot.

Basic methods of cooking;
Cooking helps to preserve colour , get a variety of texture enhance flavour and make a nutrient easily digestive . though a few of a nutrient which are water soluble are lost or oxidised .

Various method of cooking:
1 : boiling 2: poaching 3: steaming 4: stewing 5: braising 6: roasting 7: grilling 8: baking 9: frying 10: broiling.


Boiling:- the following point are to be kept in mind while boiling
1- the food item should be completely immersed in the liquid for even cooking.
2- it is usually used for tougher and stronger flavoured meats.
3- removed any scum regularly or else it will boil back to the food.
4- the food item may be covered to return to boiling point repeatedly but cover should then be removed.
5- vegetables grown above the ground to be started in boiling water
6- vegetables grown below the ground to be started in  cold water .
7- temperature of the water to be 100 degree C  for rolling boiled.
8- food being boiled should be of same size to ensure the even cooking.


1. always keep the liquid below boiling point.
2. food may be covered; but not necessary unless cooking even.
3. keep liquids to minimum to preserve the nutritional value of food commodity.
4. food being poached should be of even size to ensure even cooking.
5. food should be completely immersed in water.
6. acid medium is required for poaching, as acid hardens the proteins.
7. the ratio water to vinegar should be 10:1 while poaching eggs.



Steaming :-
Steaming is of two types 1. Direct and  2. In-direct.
1. direct- direct steaming is done placing the food item in a perforated container or on a covered plate over a saucepan of water.
2. in-direct- in-direct steaming is done when the food is placed in a closed pan, which is surrounded by plenty of steam from fast-boiling water or in a steamer.
Points to be kept in mind while steaming:
1. only small suitable food items should be steamed, as it is cooked slowly.
2. root vegetables including potatoes must be placed on perforated tray that will allow condensed steam to circulate, and cook them.
3. usually second quality of meat is used with the exception of chicken and fish.


1. it is a very gentle method of cooking
2. the amount of liquid used is very small, just enough to cover the food commodity.
3. cheaper and less tender cuts of meat are used as the slow gentle cooking renders then tenders.
4. the liquid is served and form a sauce with it.
5. the liquid should be gently shimmering, if it boils repeatedly the protein will tuffen.
6. the cooking pan is covered with the well fitting lid.
7. ideal stewing temperature on the flame is approximately 80 degree C.
8. ideal stewing temperature inside the oven 180 degree C.


1. Use cheaper or tougher joints of meat as this is the moist cooking method which makes the meat tender.
2. joints may be cooked on a very hot pan, turning evenly to seal the outer covering before braising .
3. joints may be marinated
4. joints may be larded.
5. joints may be glazed to form a nice colour and crust always cooked covered initially and the uncovered and roast the joint for final finishing.
6. an appropriate should half covered the food item .

There are many different types of interpretation of the word roasting around the world and some of these are follows:

                                                                      spit roasting

1. spit roasting:- it is cooking method in which food is cooked by direct heat and basted with fat . an spit is inserted in the meat which constantly revolved to ensure even colouring in cooking .


2. Tandoor:- it is method of roasting in Indian cooking in which a clay oven is used , where the meat is char grilled to impart a smoky flavour to the dish.

                                                      OVEN ROASTING

3. oven roasting:- it is cooking in the roasting tray in an oven with the aid of fats and first class meat , poultry and certain vegetables are used. Baste the meat often so as to have the neat colour without drying., the average time for cooking is 15 minutes per pound.

4. pot roasting:-  cooking is done in the covered pot or pan . the meat or poultry or game is tied to retain the shape it is placed in the thick bottom pot and stewers placed at the bottom to prevent the meat from sticking to the pan. Fat should cover the bottom of the pan and the joint should touch the fat.,cover the pot with the well fitting led and cook on slow fire.


1. The food is placed on grill bars and subjected to the action of radiation which could be from below or above.
2. the source of heat may be charcoal coke, gas or electricity.
3. grilling should start with high heat then reduce the heat considerably to cooked the product.
4. regular basting should be done to keep the meat moist.

 French grilling term
Au bleu- rare or very under done
Saignant – under done
A point- just done or medium
Biencuit- well cooked or well done

1. baking is cooking of food by the action of dry heat in an oven.
2. item should be placed in the right position in the oven, the cool spots should be avoided.
3. the oven should has the correct temperature according to the baked item.
4. the oven is pre heated before the baking goods are placed inside.

                                                      DEEP FRYING

                                                            SHALLOW FRYING

 frying is cooking a food in fat , frying is of two types
1- deep frying 2- Shallow frying
In deep frying: food should be completely immersed in the fat and in shallow frying partially.
2. in shallow frying the presentation side should put on the pan first and in deep frying doesn’t matter.
3.  butter can also be a cooking medium in shallow frying, but cannot be for deep frying.
4.  wherever batter is used ensure that the batter is not too thick.
5. well dredging the food with flour make sure to shake off excess flour.
6. the holding temperature range for deep fryer is 90-110 degree C.

Smoke point  this is the stage where oil begins to gave a haze or smoke

Flash point this is the stage where the temperature sur passes the smoke point and at this point the oil becomes vulnerable and catch fire and ignite.

Sauteing:- it comes under shallow frying the word sauteing comes from the French word sauteed which means “to jump”  in this food items are placed in a heavy bottom pan with the little hot fat and the pan with the items is shaken and flip occasionally on the fire.


Broiling:- broiling is cooking by direct heat and is used synonymously with grilling, it could be done by source of heat above or below it is dry cooking.