Saturday 19 August 2017


Ingredients:- (all major ingredients 01 pound or its multiple)
Butter  -450 gms
Sugar dust  -450 gms
Egg  -450 gms (approx 09 nos)
Vanilla essence  -2 tsp
Refined flour  -450 gms
Baking pdr  -1 %
1. Cream butter & sugar till light & fluffy.
2. Whip egg slightly with vanilla essence.
3. Sieve flour with baking powder.
4. Add egg gradually to the creamed mixture.
5. Fold refined flour to the mixture.
6. Pour mixture into a lined cake tin.
7. Bake at 150c for 1 hr.

To prepare plain cake just reduce the quantity of fat to 50 % of what used for pound cake.
Rest all ingredients and recipe is almost similar.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

second year notes- INDENTING

INDENTING :                                                                                                                 MARKS : 5%

Principles of indenting for volume feeding
The success of any food service operations is dependent on how the raw ingredients are procured, processed, cooked, and then served to the customer to generate profit. For volume catering establishments the principles of indenting would be based on the number of people an establishment is catering to.
1. Yield of a product: -The yield of a particular commodity has a huge impact on the indenting for volumes.  All the recipes should be updated with the yields, as we need to indent for the net weight in a recipe and not for the usable weight.
2. Type of event: - The type of event for which the food is required also plays a major role in the indenting of food.  When the variety is more, the quantities consumed will be comparatively less as most of the guests would like to taste most of the varieties.
3. Regional influence:-Regional food also plays an important role in deciding the indenting for a particular item.  People from Bengal would love to eat seafood, while people from north India would prefer chicken.
4.service style:- The style of service, whether buffet or a la carte, also determines the indenting and portion size of a dish.

Strict control has to be exercised on portions. Prices of the food on a menu are based on the size or the quantity of a meal.
There are many factors that influence the portion size of the food.
1.      Type of establishment:  food of airlines will be controlled in terms of portions as compared to an a la carte order. Heavy worker takes bigger portions. Children take less food.
2.      Type of menu :  portion size of thali is small as compare to a la carte order. An adult can consume 400 – 500 gm of food along with liquid intake.
3.      Quantity of commodity : the quantity of the supply available in the market also plays a major role in  portioning and pricing of the food.

Portion control of food :
Portion control means the amount of size of a portion of food to be served to a customer.
Food costing and portion control are complementary and the need for this form of control comes both sides o the business- from the caterer and customer.
Methods of monitoring portion control :
·         Ordering the right quantity.
·         Preparing food under direct supervision
·         By checking the service of food
·         Comparing the requisition of each department with the issues.
·         By sales analysis.
Purpose of portion control:
1.       To ensure fair portions of food for each customer
2.       To control wastage
3.       To ensure standard costing is as accurate as possible.

Portion control techniques:
1.       Aids to portion control :  use right equipment for right portions
a.       Automatic portion control equipment – tea dispensers, coffee making machines, milk dispenser etc.
b.      Utensils used in portion control- ladle, dariole mould, scales, serving spoon, pie dish etc.
c.       Serving dishes that help in portion control – glasses, coupes, sundae glass, entrĂ©e dish etc.
2.       Portion sizes : portion sizes varies form hotel to hotel.
For examples-------

Hors doeuvre
Fruits juice
Fruit cocktail
Smoked salmon
75-110 ml
120  gm
35-40 gm
30 gm
Farinaceous dishes
Any pasta
60 gm
120 gm
Egg dishes
2 large number
120-240 gm
240 gm
100 gm
120 gm

3.       Visual aids : a portion control sheet can be used for costing various items of food or complete dishes.
4.       Standardized recipes – it provide all necessary information for portion size etc.


Modifying a recipe for volume catering would encompass many oher things apart from just changing the quantities on a standard recipe card. The recipes would also be modified on the type of operations.

Guidelines on the modification of a recipe for volume catering :

The recipes are made on the basis of 50 portions so that it is easy to calculate how many times the recipe should be multiplied to cater to number of guests.
The effect of fresh ingredients in a recipe should be assessed.
The selection of equipments plays an important role for volume catering.
Large banquets prefer to put the food in gastronome trays and arrange in large convection ovens that one can reheat the food or even cook.
Method of cooking
Method of cooking is modified for bulk food.
Most sauces and gravies are prepared in advance. For making flavored rice, tadka is mixed with precooked rice.
The dishes made for volume catering should be presented in a way that is easy and quick to serve.

 Food and beverage control tends to be more difficult than the control of materials in many other industries:
1.       The perishability of produce:  perishable item has a limited life.
2.       The unpredictability of the volume of business: sales instability is typical of most catering establishment.
3.       The unpredictability of the menu mix:  most establishments like a give a variety of food to customer.
4.       The short cycle of catering operations

5.       Departmentalization ; many catering establishments have several production and service departments, offering different products and operating under different policies. 


·         Introduction  to purchasing
·         Purchasing system
·         Purchase specification
·         Purchasing techniques
·         Storage

This function of buying is classified as purchasing, and in hotels a separate department known as the purchase department carries out these functions.
                Materials need to be purchased against some standards are known as ‘specifications’. There are a few factors or procedures that one has to be aware of before carrying out the purchase functions.
1.       Market knowledge
It is important for a purchase manager to know the commodity market as it is highly volatile market, where products vary in both quality and pricing. It is desirable to pay a good priced for a quality. Therefore, it is important to develop and build up relationships with reputed suppliers. It is necessary for the purchasing manager to know where a particular commodity is grown and what its seasonality is.  It is also important to know the legal aspects of purchasing.  For example, it is illegal to buy deer meat in India, but many countries, such as Australia, England, the USA, etc., it is not against the law.  It is equally important to know the market with regard to the conditions of supply and demand, as these factors would cause implications on the pride of a commodity.  Market knowledge also includes gaining information on the suppliers available in the market, their reputations, and their scale of business.  Many upcoming suppliers would make lots of promises, but they usually surprise you when it comes to actually delivering the products.
2.       Determine the kind of purchases
The purchases department would be carrying out purchase for the whole hotel but here we will talk only about the food and beverage purchase.  The requirement would largely be perishable commodities which would include vegetables, fruits, and meat items.  Since these items have a limited shelf life, it is important to control the quantities that needs to be purchased and this largely depend on indenting as described earlier.Other goods that are received are staples such as canned , frozen , bottled ,l and dehydrated food.  Since these kind of food a comparatively longer shelf life, one could always purchase such food in bulk and demand a good rate from the suppliers. The frequency of the purchase would also depend on the amount of the storage space available in the prmises.
3.       Specifications
After the menu has been established, the chefs carries out yield tests to determines the specifications of the products.  The specifications of the products could also depend on the usage.  The for example  there are two types of oranges in the market. One has less chose but is very sweet and is called the table orange such an orange has a thick peel and can be used as a fruit the other varities is know as juice orange. It has a thin peel and though not very sweet, it is very juicy and gives good yield of juice and as compare to the table orange thus, the specification of an orange would differ in terms of its final juice. Similarly, for  a large volume operations it would be intelligent to buy large potatoes that are easey to peel and prosess for volumes.
4.       Desilgning the process of buying
IT is important to list out the and design the purchasing process for a particular kind of a product.  There are two kinds of buying methods , formal and```````````

Copies of the purchase specification need to be sent to the following:
1.      Purchase department
2.      Supplier
3.      Executive chef
4.      Receiving department
However, there could be many other factors that could have an impact on the purchasing systems and procedures. These could be dependent on the following departments:
1.      Type of establishment
2.      Style of operation and service
3.      Type of function
4.      Storage space available
5.      Geographical location
6.      Financial aspect
7.      Skills of the employees

Documents Used by Receiving Department
The receiving department needs to maintain certain documents in specific formats in order to help in control of goods received or rejected.
1.      Gate pass (Returnable)
2.      Gate pass (non-returnable)
3.      Memorandum invoice: this invoice is made only when the receiving department does not receive a proper bill for any item received by it.
4.      Inspection report: This report is prepared in case the quality of imported items received by the department does not match the standards specified for the unit.
5.      Short supply report

Storage for bulk
Storage areas are the places that are designed to store the raw or cooked food before or after the cooking and service operations. It is mandatory to keep the store under proper clean and hygienic conditions.
Theft, spoilages, infestations through pests, and non-accessibility of products in the store are four major concerns of any food store department, and so it is important to have strong system control in place.
The following points must be considered while designing the store room for bulk feeding:
·        The storeroom’s proximity to the receiving department as well as to a central position for all user departments should be kept in mind.
·        The volume of business and type of establishment also play a major role in the designing of a store room.
·        It should be spacious, free from pests and rodents, and low in humidity.
·        There should be ease of operation and ease of cleaning after goods have been stored.
·        It should facilitate the monitoring of goods in store.
·        It should have an optimum space utilization design and should have a sufficient number of racks and shelves.
·        The type of food store required, cold store or dry store, should also be considered.
·        The store room design should aid proper stock rotation method.
·        The store room should have proper lighting and should also be well ventilated.
·        The variety or number of items to be stored with their par stocks and the space required for them should also be considered.
·        The store room should be well illuminated as dark corners can be prone to pest infections.
Types of Storerooms
There are many types of store rooms. These are described below:
·        Engineering store: This type of store is usually located near engineering department and stores all the spares of machines.
·        Chemical store: This stores chemicals used in cleaning of the hotel.
·        Beverage store: This stores all hard and soft beverages.
·        General store: This store keeps all general items such as paper and other supplies such as stationary, ribbons, requisition books, cleaning supplies etc.
·        Food store: This store is used to store food items.

Standard purchase specification are concise description of quality, size, weight, or count factor desired for a particular item, Specification buying will give uniformity and consistency to purchasing and receiving, that will aid to maintain a desire food cost and create a standard product.
         To establish a suitable buying standard for particular commodity for the hotel.
         To furnish the supplier in writing in specific term the requirement of the hotel.
         To help in setting the price of a commodity.
         To obtain a standard product material for f & b dept.
         To obtain a standard product so that measurement of performance of departments can be accurate.
For proper and effective control, purchase specification should be used in all purchasing. It help in bringing uniformity and consistency in buying, which maintains required cost of product. Each specification is determined by purchase manger, Executive chef, and F & B manager as per the catering policies, menu requirement and price range. The specification format is maintained with F & B service and production, receiving, stores department.

     The purchase specifications contain:
 a) Definition of each items.          b) Grade or brand name of each item
 c) Weight, size, or count.             d) Unit against which price should be coated.
 e) Special note for commodity.


PLANNING QUANTITY FOOD PRODUCTION:                                            MARKS: 5%
·         STAFFING

The plan or layout of a kitchen should be determined by a clear catering policy, even though the plan is often limited by space available. The policy adopted and the space and layout required for the kitchen to carry out that policy will be affected by many factors like, the type of business, whether a restaurant is for resident guests or is open for the public. The type of area it is located in and one type of customer, seasonal pressured of trade and the possibility of expansion. These are the points that must be considered when the kitchen is in the project stage.

There are two basic intentions that remain constant whatever the catering policy is.

They are: -
1. Receiving of commodities in various forms, either by partial of complete preparation, followed by cooling re-heating, portioning and other dispensing methods, of conversion of this food supply into meals.
2. Regulating the supply of food in meal forms because of limitations such as economy, time, locality, and quantity but in such away that the quality of food and service is acceptable and attractive.

Often when planning the layout, these main intentions are not very well understood and kept in mind, instead consideration is given more to small details which result in poor designing, subsequent operating confusing and even failure. Besides keeping in mind the basic intentions, it is also important to study the present day trends and anticipations of future developments in the catering industry.

Amongst the current trends, in the food production and service industry are the following:

1. Greater mechanization: Simpler operations and increased use of convenience food. This has been brought about because of the high cost of manual labour.
2. Selling prices are based less on the actual food cost but more upon the value to the customers, of the total food service being offered.
3. Increasing development of specialties, either if foods, dishes, and forms of service capable of giving individuality and character to our establishment.

The menu is the blueprint of the catering establishment and may be considered as the starting point when planning the kitchen layout. The points of importance in determining menu policy will depend on the type of establishment and style of the catering to be provided.
One should be very clear on these points:
(a) These for whom it is intended to cater.
(b) The reason for their patronage.
c) Any service demands, which the two above points will bring about, exalt high, service, gourmet standards, and service.

Once the menu form and service has been decided, then the equipment and its installation can be planned out. Food supplies can be received in many forms, convenience food are already a reality in the catering industry. Meat, fish, poultry and vegetables may be obtained frozen or in prepared form or portioned forms. Dehydrated products, bakery premixes, prepared soups etc. are all in convenient packs.

Increased use of convenience foods has had a profound effect upon the layout, planing, and equipment, storage facilities even need adjustments and alteration.

Modern food service and kitchen operation must be planned not only in accordance to the culinary principles and the changing modern trends, but also with the basic fundamentals of kitchen design, which is the work flow which is based on work study.

To obtain continuous flow of goods from section to section, the design of each section should be considered carefully to ensure that the paths within its bounds do not cross more than its necessary.

A well-planned layout largely depends on the following requirements:
1. Ordering, receiving and storage.
2. Pre-processing of raw material such as meats, bakery products.
3. Cooking- soups, vegetables, sauces, meats, and bakery products.
4. Pantry or setup section-salads, sandwiches.
5. Service area.
6. Crockery and cutlery wash up.

Intelligent placements of sinks, machinery etc will make a great difference in the daily kitchen movement covered by the food and unnecessary travelling by the kitchen staff, so minimum of crisis crossing and backtracking. The perfect kitchen from this point of view is the one in which the raw materials and cooked materials need the minimum of movement and requires once only to cover the same route.

Information required before beginning the kitchen planning is:
1. What type of meal will be offered?
2. How many persons will be served?
3. Meal timings and how many sittings (turnover) (PAX)
4. What type of service?
5. Will convenience foods be used?
6. Is allowance to be made for special functions?
7. What is the floor space available?
8. What type of service is proposed?
Area requirement: It is possible that kitchen space will be reduced in size in order to provide more sitting capacity in the restaurant. Cramped inadequate kitchens will lead to delays and falls in service. This will invariably affect the turnover. Inadequate kitchen facilities will also adversely effect the staff.

The kitchen areas very according to the type of and number of meals provided. Hotel restaurants require kitchens out of all proportions in size to the actual sitting capacity of the restaurant, about 40% of the area added to the dining room. A useful rule of thumb is 6sq feet of floor area per person accommodated in the dining room. Out of the kitchen areas ¼ may be required for storage and remaining for food preparation, cooking and service.


Materials required for a food facility is numerous varied often bulky and subject to deterioration and misappropriation. Several people normally are involved with placing taking filling orders and with the delivery and receiving of good. Good communication is required between these people in order to have a smooth operation and to avoid wastage spoilage etc.

The receiving area should be a large and convenient enough to receive the volume and type of good delivered. All items must be inspected before accepting by the receiving clerk. Many items need minimum inspection and merely call for package label and count. Perishable items like fish, poultry, meat, and vegetables, etc. Need thorough checking and inspection for quality. The receiving area should be located near the entrance to the storage. So that once the checked can be stored directly as soon as possible.

Scales, container opening tools such as crow bar, claw hammer, short bladed sharp knife, can opener etc should be available at the receiving are to help in inspection the good.

Situated at the back of the hotel has a platform at Lorry’s platform level for easy unloading. This place should be well lighted (reflector type lights) and fitted with anti pest fans at the doors, and should be kept clean always. (A water connection with hosepipe attachments is desirable for cleaning.) To avoid work accidents, slipping etc. Trolleys and other equipment should be kept for easy unloading and carrying in the goods to stores.

If cylinders are used they must be kept outside in an open shelter opening from the outside (in case of blast the shock wave damages be decreased). In case of gas tank this one has to be at a distance of 150 yards from the main building. A daily check of gas shelter and tank is necessary as a safety measure.
Wet and dry garbage should be stored separately. Wet garbage is stored in containers in an air-conditioned shelter to prevent fermentation and smell. As far as possible collect garbage in plastic fresh bags, change when they are full, tie them up and then kept them in garbage rooms. Dry garbage is sometimes incinerated. Disposal of garbage is done on daily basis and garbage shelters are thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, deodorized with phenol.

Dry store: A temperature of 70oF (21oC) is ideal. Storing principles.Light weight item in height (top of the shelves).Heavy weight items in containers, which are labelled. Cases are kept either on shelves or pellets. Nothing should be kept directly on the floor. Leave about 8” height for the bottom shelf from the floor for easy cleaning and control pests and rodents. Do not keep shelves touching to the wall, leave about 2” from the walls. The different records kept in the stores for control purposes are: Bin cards, Entry Books, Issue Books, Indent Forms Orders, Deliveries, invoices, etc.

Ventilated common storage can be used for fruits to keep and ripen them for 2 or 3 days 50 – 60oF is ideal.

Refrigerated and low temperature storage. Cold rooms are under the responsibility of the executive storekeeper or chef larder depending upon the hotel policy.

The different types of food (fish, meat, poultry, etc.) should have their appropriate preparation space. The equipment necessary for cooking the food should be sited closed to the appropriate point.

The work in this section forms into three works centres. 1) Washing & Cleaning 2) Paring 3) Trimming, Cutting, Shaping, chopping, etc. Depending upon the volume of work these activities may be performed in one center or an assembly line production may be used. One centre completely separated from the other. Use of frozen and convenience in this largely determines the space and equipment required in this section. These rooms sometimes may be air-conditioned. This section has containers, shelves, sinks, and various machines for cutting, peeling, shredding, etc. In smaller hotels this section may be combined with butchery.

Air-conditioned room for meat preparation. Boning, paring, cutting, as well as charcuterie are done in this section. Portions and cut according to specifications and controlled with scales. Poultry, fish games etc. are also prepared and portioned here.

For cold dishes, sauces, hors d’oeuvres and cold buffets.

The cooking section/main kitchen is generally regarded as the heart of the kitchen. The material used here are likely to be the most of us wish to work. The material used are likely to be the most expensive the work here is done by the workers who are paid the highest rates. Here semi manufactured products are turned into finished products. To ensure fast service the close relationship between cooking area and serving area is of very important. In a classical organization it is divided into parties system. This area can go from a simple kitchen to a more complex group of section or even satellites.

The flow of raw materials will come from three main source:-
1. The meat and vegetable preparation sections.
2. From stores.
3. Direct delivery. Food partially processed in a main kitchen may be sent to a service kitchen for final cooking as in a decentralized kitchen.


The essential equipment for production will be a worktable, sink, and cooking equipment. Depending on the size and type of food facility the requirement differs. Study the menu to decide on the equipment requirement. Most of the cooking activities can be grouped as follows – Roasting & Baking, Boiling and Toasting, Steaming, Deep-frying, etc. to decide the number of centres. The cooks’ table is generally the core of the cooking section.

‘Runs’ of varied cookery apparatus parallel to and near service can eliminate unnecessarymovement of staff and food from kitchen to service as well as it speeds up the service. Bain-marie and stockpot stands should be close to ranges. Adequate ventilation and canopies have to be provided wherever necessary, to clear the kitchen from smoke and steam. Modern kitchens have fresh air input supplied by a deviation of the central A/C unit.

Pastry, Bakery, and confectionery is usually called as the bake shop. The control of quality and cost of desserts and breads served by a hotel is very important to its successful operation. In small hotels this will be in the corner of the main kitchen whereas in big hotels, this may be a separate fully equipped dept, of its own.

This Bakeshop section is usually divided into two sub-sections, Hot & Cold.
The hot section is equipped mainly with an even single double or 3 tier deck. Conventional or convection. Racks, dough mixer, food mixer and provide all the bake items, bread cakes, gateaux, etc. The cold Section is equipped mainly with refrigerated marbles, mincers, ice cream machines, freezers, & food mixer. It is usually air-conditioned and provides all cold desserts. Next to it there is the pastry cold room where mise-en-place is kept.

Short order kitchen (pantry) as the name indicates this section provides for items prepared and served fast at any time. This section deals mainly with beverages, salads, sandwiches relishes, fruit juices, cold plates, dessert ice creams, milk shakes etc. Quick service cooking equipment for such a contact grill, toasters, suitable equipment for providing hot and cold drinks and shakes, ice cream can opener, slicer, chopper, juice extractor, shaker, shredder, etc. are to be provide in the pantry.

The main kitchen, bakeshop, and pantry must have direct access to service counter or have each a counter of their own.

These should be located near area of food preparation. The process of cleaning includes, scraping, soaking, (both usually done by hand) washing, rinsing, sanitizing, and drying may be done by hand or machine. Equipment for hand washing of pots consist of three compartment large sinks with a drain board on either side one for solid pots and one on the other side for clean pots.
A convenient floor drain is need for the wash water from those extra large objects.
Drain board Drain board
Solid Washing Rinsing Sanitizing Clean pots
It is desirable to have an overhead spray with extension can really located, to use for flousing the refuse after scraping and rinsing the pots and pans this section should include large racks for storage of utensil items can be readily seen and selected without having to move a stock in order to get an item required.

From where do the waiters pick up their orders?
From where do they got clean cutleries?
Service and wash up area situated exactly between the restaurant (and restaurants) and the kitchen, has the following function.
1. Cleans dirty equipment coming from restaurants or floors.
2. Supplies clean equipment to restaurants and service equipments to kitchens.
3. Food orders calling out.
4. Delivery of Food orders.
5. Cashiering.
6. Restaurant sections.
1 and 2 are being the wash up area. 3,4,5,6 being the service area

Issuing meal to the restaurants in carried out in this area. A kitchen counter throughout the meals service period.