Wednesday 16 August 2017


·         Introduction  to purchasing
·         Purchasing system
·         Purchase specification
·         Purchasing techniques
·         Storage

This function of buying is classified as purchasing, and in hotels a separate department known as the purchase department carries out these functions.
                Materials need to be purchased against some standards are known as ‘specifications’. There are a few factors or procedures that one has to be aware of before carrying out the purchase functions.
1.       Market knowledge
It is important for a purchase manager to know the commodity market as it is highly volatile market, where products vary in both quality and pricing. It is desirable to pay a good priced for a quality. Therefore, it is important to develop and build up relationships with reputed suppliers. It is necessary for the purchasing manager to know where a particular commodity is grown and what its seasonality is.  It is also important to know the legal aspects of purchasing.  For example, it is illegal to buy deer meat in India, but many countries, such as Australia, England, the USA, etc., it is not against the law.  It is equally important to know the market with regard to the conditions of supply and demand, as these factors would cause implications on the pride of a commodity.  Market knowledge also includes gaining information on the suppliers available in the market, their reputations, and their scale of business.  Many upcoming suppliers would make lots of promises, but they usually surprise you when it comes to actually delivering the products.
2.       Determine the kind of purchases
The purchases department would be carrying out purchase for the whole hotel but here we will talk only about the food and beverage purchase.  The requirement would largely be perishable commodities which would include vegetables, fruits, and meat items.  Since these items have a limited shelf life, it is important to control the quantities that needs to be purchased and this largely depend on indenting as described earlier.Other goods that are received are staples such as canned , frozen , bottled ,l and dehydrated food.  Since these kind of food a comparatively longer shelf life, one could always purchase such food in bulk and demand a good rate from the suppliers. The frequency of the purchase would also depend on the amount of the storage space available in the prmises.
3.       Specifications
After the menu has been established, the chefs carries out yield tests to determines the specifications of the products.  The specifications of the products could also depend on the usage.  The for example  there are two types of oranges in the market. One has less chose but is very sweet and is called the table orange such an orange has a thick peel and can be used as a fruit the other varities is know as juice orange. It has a thin peel and though not very sweet, it is very juicy and gives good yield of juice and as compare to the table orange thus, the specification of an orange would differ in terms of its final juice. Similarly, for  a large volume operations it would be intelligent to buy large potatoes that are easey to peel and prosess for volumes.
4.       Desilgning the process of buying
IT is important to list out the and design the purchasing process for a particular kind of a product.  There are two kinds of buying methods , formal and```````````

Copies of the purchase specification need to be sent to the following:
1.      Purchase department
2.      Supplier
3.      Executive chef
4.      Receiving department
However, there could be many other factors that could have an impact on the purchasing systems and procedures. These could be dependent on the following departments:
1.      Type of establishment
2.      Style of operation and service
3.      Type of function
4.      Storage space available
5.      Geographical location
6.      Financial aspect
7.      Skills of the employees

Documents Used by Receiving Department
The receiving department needs to maintain certain documents in specific formats in order to help in control of goods received or rejected.
1.      Gate pass (Returnable)
2.      Gate pass (non-returnable)
3.      Memorandum invoice: this invoice is made only when the receiving department does not receive a proper bill for any item received by it.
4.      Inspection report: This report is prepared in case the quality of imported items received by the department does not match the standards specified for the unit.
5.      Short supply report

Storage for bulk
Storage areas are the places that are designed to store the raw or cooked food before or after the cooking and service operations. It is mandatory to keep the store under proper clean and hygienic conditions.
Theft, spoilages, infestations through pests, and non-accessibility of products in the store are four major concerns of any food store department, and so it is important to have strong system control in place.
The following points must be considered while designing the store room for bulk feeding:
·        The storeroom’s proximity to the receiving department as well as to a central position for all user departments should be kept in mind.
·        The volume of business and type of establishment also play a major role in the designing of a store room.
·        It should be spacious, free from pests and rodents, and low in humidity.
·        There should be ease of operation and ease of cleaning after goods have been stored.
·        It should facilitate the monitoring of goods in store.
·        It should have an optimum space utilization design and should have a sufficient number of racks and shelves.
·        The type of food store required, cold store or dry store, should also be considered.
·        The store room design should aid proper stock rotation method.
·        The store room should have proper lighting and should also be well ventilated.
·        The variety or number of items to be stored with their par stocks and the space required for them should also be considered.
·        The store room should be well illuminated as dark corners can be prone to pest infections.
Types of Storerooms
There are many types of store rooms. These are described below:
·        Engineering store: This type of store is usually located near engineering department and stores all the spares of machines.
·        Chemical store: This stores chemicals used in cleaning of the hotel.
·        Beverage store: This stores all hard and soft beverages.
·        General store: This store keeps all general items such as paper and other supplies such as stationary, ribbons, requisition books, cleaning supplies etc.
·        Food store: This store is used to store food items.

Standard purchase specification are concise description of quality, size, weight, or count factor desired for a particular item, Specification buying will give uniformity and consistency to purchasing and receiving, that will aid to maintain a desire food cost and create a standard product.
         To establish a suitable buying standard for particular commodity for the hotel.
         To furnish the supplier in writing in specific term the requirement of the hotel.
         To help in setting the price of a commodity.
         To obtain a standard product material for f & b dept.
         To obtain a standard product so that measurement of performance of departments can be accurate.
For proper and effective control, purchase specification should be used in all purchasing. It help in bringing uniformity and consistency in buying, which maintains required cost of product. Each specification is determined by purchase manger, Executive chef, and F & B manager as per the catering policies, menu requirement and price range. The specification format is maintained with F & B service and production, receiving, stores department.

     The purchase specifications contain:
 a) Definition of each items.          b) Grade or brand name of each item
 c) Weight, size, or count.             d) Unit against which price should be coated.
 e) Special note for commodity.

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