Tuesday 19 February 2019

Bakery theory- Pastry


PASTRY :- It means the way fat is added into the flour.
                              i.            Short Crust Pastry.
                           ii.            Puff Pastry.
                        iii.            Flaky Pastry (Rough Puff).
                        iv.            Philo pastry.
                           v.            Choux Pastry.
                        vi.            Danish Pastry.

1)  Short Crust Pastry :- It is a basic dough.
   Eg :- Biscuits & Cookies.
          Ingridients :-
·       Flour                               : -      100%
·       Fat                                   : -      50%
·       Salt                                  : -      As required
·       Sugar                              : -       Optional.
·       Ice Cold Water              : -      As required just to combine the dough.
·       Raising /Leavening Agents (Baking Powder Up to 1%).
Care should be taken that all the ingredients , working table, utensils/equipments should be extremely cold & fat should not melt before the product goes inside the oven.
  Generally Rub-In Method is used to prepare this pastry
a)   SOGGY :- Too much water , Too much Fat.
b)  Hard :- Very little fat used, Too much flour, Very High or very low oven temperature.
2)   Puff Pastry :- It is a mixture of refined flour, salt, chilled water, & lemon juice.
This dough is sheeted & laminated with fat to get the Flakiness .
There are three methods of making puff pastry :-
                              i.            French Method.
                            ii.            Scotch Method.
                         iii.            English Method.
      I.            French Method :-
·       Make a dough with flour, salt, food acid, chilled water & some percentage of fat.
·       Give rest for ½ hour. During this period the remaining margarine is made into a square block& it should be kept in the refrigerator for setting.
·       Sheet the dough into the square block. It should be slightly larger than fat block (margarine) .
·       Keep the fat block into the center of the dough. The side of the margarine should face the corner of the sheeted dough.
·       Fold the side of the sheeted dough end on the margarine block & and fold the opposite side over this. Follow the same method for the remaining ends.
·       Now the remaining margarine block is covered by four folds of the dough on the topside. Cover the dough with damp cloth to prevent from crust formation.
·       Chill it for ½ hour.
·       Turn upside down & sheet it into a square shape. And bring the two ends to the center & again fold it.
·       Cover it & chill it for ½ hour. Then the same process is repeated twice.
·       After final sheeting the dough should be chilled for one hour.
·       Sheet the dough & cut it into desired shapes and give rest for ½ hour before baking.
   II.            Scotch Method :-
·       Chop the fat into small walnut size.
·       Mix this into flour & then add water.
·       Knead it & form a dough.
·       Cover it with a damp cloth  & cool for ½ hour.
·       Sheet a dough in square shape and bring the two edges to the center & again fold over.
·       Cool it and repeat the same process twice.
·       Cut and give rest before baking.
III.            English Method :-
·       Prepare the dough flour, salt, food acid, chilled water and some percentage of fat.
·       Cover the dough with dump cloth and cool it for ½ hour.
·       Sheet the dough rectangular and mark it into A,B, and C.
·       Spread the remaining 1/3 of fat A and B.
·       Fold the C on B and A on C.
·       Cover it and cool it for ½ hour.
·       Repeat the same process twice.
3)   Flaky Pastry:- It is made with refined flour , salt, chilled water, & fat.
In flaky pastry all the fat is added in advance to the dough.
The dough is sheeted & without any further fat lamination, dough is folded, chilled, this step is repeated depending on number of flex required.
4)   Philo Pastry (Filo Pastry) :- Philo pastry is a paper thin pastry made with refined flour, salt, butter, and water. This dough is sheeted paper thin & collected to make a large heap of flakey sheet.
The sheets are all together transferred into greased baking tray, the pastry is greased from top. Dry fruit cuts are sprinkled. The pastry is baked and generally soaked in sugar syrup.
5)  Choux Pastry :- It is a hollow shell which is very crispy. It can be piped into different shapes & sizes which are then filled with whipping cream. Then it is coated with melted chocolate or any other icing. Then garnish it with nuts.
Ingredients :-
·       Water                             : -                200 ml.
·       Butter                             : -                100 ml.
·       Salt                                  : -                1 pinch.
·       Refined flour                 : -                100 gm.
·       Eggs                                 : -                4 nos.
Recipe :-
        i.            Boil water with butter, add refined flour sieved with salt into the mixture, put off the flame add eggs one by one whip continuously.
     ii.            Fill the paste in the piping bag, pipe on baking tray, bake at 1800 C for ½ hour.
  iii.            Then leave it in warm oven overnight. Make a small hole pipe the cream inside dip in melted chocolate.

6)  Danish Pastry :-
It is a sweet pastry which is initially made like a bread loaf & later on fat is laminated like puff pastry.
Ingredients :-
·       Refined flour                      :-      100 %
·       Salt                                       :-      1%
·       Yeast                                    :-      if dry 1% , if fresh 2%
·       Sugar                                    :-     15-20 %
·       Milk/water                         :-     40-50 %
·       Eggs                                     :-      20%
·       Fat                                       :-      5% for the dough and 50% for lamination.

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